Social Media Traffic To Blog Worth Trying – Benefits -Drawbacks
What is social media traffic?
Popularise and promote a through submissions, emails, word of mouth, guest post writing and social media. Social Media traffic is traffic generated through social media There are many social media networks and list is very big. Popular among them is Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube (for videos),. Today social media traffic to blogs is increasing exponentially because all blog owners are having social media links. They are using social media as big traffic generation source to their blogs.
Social media started as a communication network amidst friends to know their present status and update their ideas, plan of action in real-time with friends. As technology advanced this sector became more and more prominent to promote a business (products and services).
Like-minded social media folks joined as groups to share their common interest and social media traffic localized as groups. As an example, two groups on FaceBook, blogging for new bloggers have more than 10000 people and bloggers united: have another 10000 people. All of them have blogging activity as common and willing to exchange ideas to grow their own blogs. Similarly Google plus community have thousands of people in different groups. Writers, authors, and bloggers have 50000 people in their group. With hundreds of groups in each social media network, more effort is the need to gain social media traffic to a blog.
How social media traffic visits your blog?
- Join in social media groups in social media networks
- Add your website in your profile on those networks.
- Sincerely read group members posts and pass your valuable comments.
- Contribute to the groups with your own posts and offer value-added, helpful information.
- Automate and share your own blog posts on groups timeline.
- Develop intimacy with group members by sending friends requests.
- Once they join you as friends send your blog posts to each member of the group. Ask them to pass their comments. Do it sincerely
- Create your own group with catchy group title and attractive description. Mention the groups’ ideology and how they get benefited by joining your group.
- If someone likes your page, profile or group do followup action regularly to hold them with you.
- If you gain the confidence of one member, do not forget that he will have more friends and likes to promote your effort to them
By doing these steps you and your profile gain confidence and the group members become your blog visitors.
Why social media traffic comes and visits your blog when they can Google and find the information they are looking for?
Social media generate huge traffic because of the large member groups with similar thinking, but the question is Why and how that traffic comes to your blog?
Even if the content of your blog post is helpful to the group members, why not they come to your blog post for useful information. If your blog posts offer top-notch content Google itself will populate your posts on the first page of search results. But if Google search displays better and authoritative results to them on the information they are looking for, why they should come to your blog post? So in essence, unless you produce great content useful to them you will neither be seen in search results nor social media traffic comes to you. Content is the king.
If the blogger follows the below strategy, increased chances for the social media groups turn and look around for your blog content.
- Interesting and useful content that is not published elsewhere.
- your comments on their posts, carry value and answer for queries
- If you have developed a personal association with the group members and if they are confident that you are the well-wisher
- you are in touch with them regularly and meticulously.
But it is an impossible and time-consuming to do social media tasks regularly. If you concentrate on promoting a blog post on social media for the longest time, you will not have time for writing niche blog articles. There is a solution to this issue. The solution automates the posting task to all the social media groups. You can schedule the postings in advance or post it when you finish publishing. Buffer, Social Jukebox, and Hootsuite will automate and schedule old and latest posts to all group members on the social networks.
There is a report from TrackMavan that describes the apt time to post the blog articles on social media, really great information. Your posts will reach the target audience at their peak working hours.
- Twitter 5 pm on Thursday
- Facebook 8 pm Thursday
- In 9 pm Wednesday
- Pin 1 am Friday
Participating in Twitter chats is another way to impress visitors. Visit Twitter, log in and then search for #blogchat. Twitter chats are a new way of entering into a conversation with other tweeters on your post topic. Offer solutions for their queries and prove your authority in the subject. They may become your subscribers.
Drawbacks of using social media traffic as a promotion tool to your blog:
Social media benefits mislead people from usefulness to shameless through a section of people ranging from highly emotional to harmful. Beware while choosing the right kind of members otherwise, you will end up hurting yourself and your blog.
6 Ways to Immediately Boost Social Traffic | Sprout Social