Back links are the back bone for search engine ranking
What is a back links and how they are generated?
Back links are connections to your website or blog in appreciation of your work or the useful information you have provided which is of interest to them. Back links are litmus test to search engines to place a rank to your website on the internet.
When some one reads content of your blog or website for their search keyword and find the information is useful, they appreciate your content in the form of a comment, subscribe to your website information through email or come back regularly to your website for more and more information. This ‘follow comment is a back link.
But the question is how they are generated?
The prerequisites for back links are
- Useful information to viewers
- Traffic to your website or blog
Once above requirements are met back links are automatically generated. Back links are also generated through many other techniques. Before going to details let us examine
- The question – why sites will give a back link to your content?
When you to contribute to their Web Pages, means when you read their content and appreciate the effort they come back to you for information. Normally powerful social networking sites are for enthusiast and for exchanging ideas, share experiences. They constantly ponder the internet for useful information of their interested topic. When you join those sites you get lot of information you require from those sites, blogs, forums and articles. I also got the inspiration for this article from those well designed archives.
Back links are classified into
- one way back links
- reciprocal back links
- paid back links
Any experienced website developer knows that paid back links are not appreciated by search engines for ranking your website. Similarly reciprocal back links may amount to spam because the ranking juice will be passed on to the other website. One way back links are true back links and are regarded by search engines.
Getting back links is not the end of the game for ranking. The back link must be from a web content with similar nature of your website content and the website linking to you must have been placed in high rank by search engines.
Too many back links in s a short time is also healthy for the website. Too many back links in a short time amounts to spamming.
Getting back links is tedious and you have to work hard. Remember nothing comes easily. Remember also
- Not to go for auto submission techniques unless you study the provider and his offer
- Do a research yourself before choosing a site for back linking.
- Try to get links from high ranking websites with relevant content.
- Do not try to get all the links in one day. May be it is considered spamming by search engines.
Try to get back links from he following social media by submitting your website to them
- Technorati
You can add your website link in your bio data and claim your blog
You tube is a the largest audio video community with watch and share technology. You can contribute your own audio and video and earn money as a member. A wonderful social networking site you can add your site URL in the profile.
If you have a google account create a blog and the blog profile allows a back link to your website
Digg is a place to share content from anywhere on the internet from large destinations to small blogs. Here you can create a link back to your website in the profile
Face book another social network site that connects people. Include your web link here
Whether its breaking news, a local traffic jam, a deal at your favorite shop or a funny pick-me-up from a friend, Twitter keeps you informed with what matters most to you today and helps you discover what might matter to you most tomorrow. Join and use your link in profile.
A search site which links to other excellent websites of your interest. Just stumble upon and you discover amazing high quality websites. Join for free and link back to your site
Live Journal is a diverse, global community where you can find friends who share your interests. Whether you want to keep a journal, meet people, or participate in lively discussions, it’s a fun, free way to expand your social horizons
- Rate It All
You can evaluate products and services. . You can view, share and add your version of it for any topic. You can get a back link when you join this free site.
Happy back linking