1. Claim for Mesothelioma Compensation settled in under 10 weeks
Asbestos-related cancer, Mesothelioma Thompsons Solicitors have successfully secured compensation in under 10 weeks for a man diagnosed with asbestos-related cancer, mesothelioma.
The client, from Sheffield, who does not wish to be named, was diagnosed with the disease in April this year and contacted Thompsons Solicitors to help with his claim for compensation on April 28, 2008.
The case was settled for £147,000 by Thompsons Solicitors just 10 weeks later.
2. Our Mesothelioma Verdicts and Settlements
A San Francisco jury returned the largest asbestos verdict in California, $33.7 million, in favor of a Navy electrician and his wife. The electrician had developed mesothelioma from his occupational exposure to asbestos. He was awarded $22.7 million in economic and noneconomic damages. His wife was awarded $11 million for loss of consortium. The defendant, Foster Wheeler Corporation, designed, manufactured and supplied marine boilers with asbestoscontaining components including refractory block insulation, roving material, and gaskets
3. Recovering Financial Compensation:
Danziger & Dellano has contributed to many significant victories and settlements for mesothelioma and asbestos lung cancer victims. For example, the following are amounts received by some mesothelioma clients after all attorney’s fees and expenses are paid. These cases were handled by other attorneys serving as lead counsel and Danziger & Dellano assumed joint responsibility for the litigation. For details click on each award: