Is the debt settlement company you are considering a member of the Better Business Bureau? It doesn’t really matter. Unfortunately, the BBB does not yet recognize Debt Settlement as an industry,
Before deciding a settlement firm for your debt related problems consider these points carefully.
- Be an informed consumer
- Find out whether the debt settlement company you are considering accredited by The Association of Settlement Companies (TASC)?
- How much does the service cost? Most people don’t realize that Debt Settlement is the quickest and least expensive form of debt relief outside of bankruptcy.
- Does the company offer any type of service guarantee? If so, what is the guarantee? If a company can not get settlement on your debt, you should never have to pay a fee, or the fee should be fully refunded.
- Does the debt settlement company you are considering have IAPDA certified debt arbitrators?
- Does the debt settlement company you are considering belong to the local Chamber of Commerce? If so, is the Chamber an accredited member of the Chamber of Commerce of the Unites States?
What is an Archive
A depository containing historical records and documents. They are similar to libraries and museums, as all three institutions organize and provide access to information. However, they differ in that
- Libraries focus on published information like books and periodicals
- Museums focus on artifacts, or physical objects
- Archives focus on unpublished original records
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