Loiasis is Caused by Eye Worm called Loa Loa

Loiasis is swelling in joints often and caused by parasitic worm loa loa

Loiasis disease is caused by the eye worm known as loa loa. Loa Loa is a  parasite that lives in humans.  Infected Deer Fly  comes in contact with human and bites, the infection is transmitted to humans. The larvae of the worm enter the bloodstream and later develop into adult worms.

The insect vector (that carries the parasite) is the deer fly Chrysops (deer fly) which lives in rain forest, principally in the Congo River region, Sudan, and Ethiopia.

The origin of loiasis is rain forest regions


  • Symptoms may not appear for months or years after the bite of the fly.
  • Local inflammatory reactions called Calabar swellings.
  • migrates across the conjunctiva and cornea of the eye ( eye warm ).
  • Enters the brain causing encephalitis

The micro filaria (tiny thread-like) form of the worm is found in blood and lymphatic fluid during the day and in the lungs at night.


detection of the micro filariae in the blood.

Protective measures

Avoid fly bite by using  repellent,  use long-sleeved shirts and long pants, and  use  bed nets while sleeping.


  • Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Ivermectin (Stromectol). DEC

What is the definition of a Primate?

A 5 inch eye worm is pulled from the eyes in India – Watch Video

Prevention of loiasis is not possible as there is no program to control this disease. Only treatment is suggested for communities prone to this disease. There are no vaccines for loiasis. Only medicine suggested for those that live long times in loiasis affected areas is diethylcarbamazine (DEC)—300mg taken once a week Best prevention and protection is avoiding going to areas where deer flies are found. Deer flies live in  muddy, shaded areas along rivers or around wood fires. use insect repellants that contain DEET (N,N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide) and wearing long sleeves and long pants during the day, which is when deerflies bite. Treating your clothes with permethrin may also help. For a description of CDC’s information for preventing insect bites, see CDC’s Yellow Book.

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