Bubonic Plague or Black Death First Found in China
Bubonic Plague affects rodents and transmitted to humans
Bubonic Plague is an epidemic disease. It is transmitted from person to person by the bite of the flies from an infected rodent. Or rodents infected rats are the main cause. The disease is caused by the bacterium Yersinia. The symptoms are characterized by chills, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and the formation of buboes. The bacterial infection produced painful swelling of the lymph nodes called buboes.
Prior to 1970, both United States and Soviet biological weapons programs developed techniques that enabled weapons developers to aerosolize plague particles. Bubonic plague is popular and referred as Black Death. The plague blackens the skin due to dried blood that accumulated under skin. The first swelling of this plague is observed in the groin. History recorded the bubonic plague as significant cause of misery and death. The first recorded outbreak of bubonic plague was in 542543. This plague destroyed the attempts of the Roman emperor of the day to re-establish a Roman empire in Europe. This is only one example of how bubonic plague has changed the course of history.
When was Bubonic Plague Found
The plague of London in 1665 killed over 17,000 people (almost twenty percent of the city’s population). This outbreak was quelled by a huge fire that destroyed most of the city. It is a killer disease like yellow fever and Malaria.
The disease remains present to this day. In North America, the last large epidemic occurred in Los Angeles in 1925. With the advent of the antibiotic era, bubonic plague has been controlled in the developed world. However, sporadic cases (e.g., 10 to 15 cases each year) still occur in the western United States. In less developed countries (e.g., in Africa, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil) thousands of cases are reported each year
We have contributed to Bubonic Plague spread
In 1970, a World Health Organization study concluded that deliberate dissemination of 110 lbs (50 kg) of aerosolized Y pestis over a city with a population of approximately 5 million people could potentially result in 150,000 cases of pneumonia plague. Half of these cases would require advanced medical care and approximately 20% would be expected to perish.
How to prevent this epidemic?
The most effective way to prevent bubonic plague is the maintenance of adequate sanitary conditions. This acts to control the rodent population, especially in urban centers.
Read more about bubonic Plague at First Occurrence Details