Risks associated with asbestos exposure
Asbestos is a collection of minerals that consist of thin, microscopic fibers. Asbestos has chemical and heat resistance strength. It is for this reason that it was used as a popular additive to various products. Exposure to this chemical results in health risks such as cancer and other health issues. Six types of asbestos occur naturally as deposits beneath the earth’s surface. It is located near the surface allowing miners to work above the ground. Miners are at a high risk of developing diseases as a result of prolonged exposure to asbestos. A mesothelioma lawyer helps victims diagnosed with asbestos-related illnesses.
Asbestos mining is no longer mined in the United States due to the dangers associated with its exposure. Increased awareness has made the production of asbestos gradually decrease. The use of asbestos is not entirely banned and can be imported under strict restrictions. The fibers found in asbestos are not visible to the naked eye, and their color differs depending on the type. Some end products containing asbestos are cement, paint, sealants, and insulation materials.
Industries with the highest risk
Various high-risk industries deal with manufacturing. They handle the preparation of raw materials and production to make the end products. Workers in these types of industries are at a high risk of asbestos exposure and are more prevalent to developing lung cancer or mesothelioma. These industries include; Chemical plants, mining companies, construction companies, abrasives manufacturers, oil refineries, power plants, printing facilities, shipyards, tile installation, shipping lines, railroads, and offshore rust removal businesses.
Dangers of asbestos
Asbestos gets into the body through breathing. Materials containing asbestos are not harmful unless they release air fibers or dust to the atmosphere, where they can be ingested or inhaled. These fibers are trapped in the throat and nose’s mucous membranes. Some may pass into the lungs or to the digestive tract if swallowed. Once trapped in the body, fibers can cause serious health problems. Deterioration and damage reduce asbestos into smaller particles that quickly get into the body. Other processes that break down asbestos include aging, continual vibration, water damage, and physical impact such as drilling, cutting, grinding, or striking.
Health effects of asbestos
It is difficult for the body to break down or get rid of asbestos once lodged into the body tissues or lungs. The three primary diseases that result from asbestos exposure are lung cancer, asbestosis, and mesothelioma.
It is a respiratory disease that is non-cancerous but chronic. It causes lung tissues to scar, and the symptoms include crackling sound in the lungs while breathing and shortness of breath. Asbestosis may cause cardiac failure in the advanced stages.
Lung cancer
It is the leading cause of asbestos-related illnesses, and it develops as a result of direct exposure to asbestos through milling, mining, and manufacturing. Common signs of lung cancer are shortness of breath, anemia, and persistent chest pains.
Refers to a rare form of cancer in the lining of the chest, abdomen, lungs, and heart. It is caused by asbestos exposure. Workers are encouraged to wear protective gear while at workplaces.
Resources: mesothelioma