Evergreen Ideas To Improve Blog’s Page Views

Why traffic is the first priority to a blogger? Is not great blog content brings traffic automatically?

No doubt that ‘Content is the king‘. This is the the first and foremost requirement for a ‘evergreen‘ blog post. This is an essential condition but how do people know you have written informative and knowledgeable content unless the blog article is populated and read by people. It means

  • your article must reach masses on the internet.
  • It must be interesting and engaging
  • It must be useful to user
  • useful to them and answer their queries and clear their doubts

It means you blog post need traffic. Even a great blog content will not bring automatic traffic till it becomes popular. Your content sometimes become viral and bring traffic only if your content is the only content on the internet for a search quire.

Give attention to the following  points to attract traffic to the blog. May be I am repeating the same points mentioned by hundreds of people and thousands of times before. Yes.It is one and only fact for successful blogging.  No easy ways and short cuts

blogging tips

          1. Blog regularly: Do not get tired and keep blogging regularly. More the content, more is the visibility. [inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=””]Out of sight is out of mind, This is true with search engines too.[/inlinetweet].
          2. Convince relatives and friends to promote your blog: Build a good list of friends and relatives from your known circles. Make them first set of people to promote or comment on your content. Do not feel shy to request them to look at your article and comment. Persuade them to help you out to promote your blog post. If your own people will not appreciate your content,  who else?
          3. Populate your blog posts in social media: . Social media share feelings, They are great source of traffic. The members of social media have wide range interests and are the right targets to read a blog articles. Members of social media will have their own circles who share their ideas. Is not it a great place to promote a blog post? So develop social media relations and you are on the way to success.
          4. Do not forget that search engines do the promotion: Make sure that search engines identify your content and appreciate the value of the content and ready to list them in the top positions for search queries
          5. Concentrate on manual blog promotion: You help others and others will help you. You have to read others blog posts and offer valuable comments. If the content is good promote them to your circles. Share it with your social media. This will develop confidence among others blogger and they will start reading and sharing your content. Remember that only savvy people search for solutions will notice you post if it is listed on the top of search pages. Not all your posts. The other posts you have to promote by mutual sharing and other methods.
          6. Tags do a great job: Tags are very important to link your blog post to various media. For example a health related article can be tagged to health, health care, men’s health, women’s health, fitness, yoga and meditation, silent killers, killer disease, common diseases and many more tags depending on the content of the article. If you content have value and useful to the searchers it will be published to on various media depending on the tag.
          7. Pay attention to link building: Link building is the only way to get prioritized by search engines for ranking. Word of caution in link building is getting natural links and not spam links. Few reciprocal links here and there do not harm search engine ranking. Deep linking will give better results for a blog. Try to get quality links. Quality links are links from established blogs of the same niche. Few quality links are better than many useless back links.
          8. Let people know about your posts: There are two types of people in the blogging community. The first kind of people will write article because they want to share their knowledge with others or solve others problems. The other kind is to make an earning through blogging. The first kind of people are knowledgeable on what they write and they offer solutions to problems.If you are the first kind, writing blog post to share your ideas, People with similar interests wanting new ideas will read your post belonging to this group. If you fall into the second category, you have to work hard to get you blog post noticed

There are additional techniques to get traffic. Paid subscribers, paid advertisements, e-mail marketing.  They bring traffic only for the paid period and then you are back to square one. The cost for paid promotion will not guarantee trusted visitors. Some times the process may penalize your blog from top ranking search results.

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