Famous Indian Blogger Inspires Blogging Community Since Decade

One Famous  Indian blogger is a great motivator and real-time Inspiration to me and many

Famous Indian blogger Amit Aggarwal, the well-known buzz word in the blogging community since long. As a fellow  Indian, I am proud to write a blog post about this iconic Indian blogger.  The following paragraph explains why this  famous Indian blogger  always motivates  contemporary bloggers and beginners.

famous Indian blogger

The question is

why this famous Indian blogger, Mr. Amit is unique and how he rose to the present level?  

  • First and foremost is the theme that he used for his blog. It is unique and different from many themes on the Internet.
  • He is able to  receives about 3 to 4 million page views every month.
  • His articles are aimed for visitors with highly useful information on tech. topics.
  • He had many tech. blogs to his credit. The best of them are digital inspiration, android  applications, chrome extensions, How to guides, Video tutorials and Google scripts. More info at:  Best of  blogger Amit.
  •  Surprisingly digital inspiration and many other blogs listed below creation and promotion is a one man show.   This iconic blogger’s  time management is excellent. Apart from blogging regularly for a decade, this person  is an author of a  book ‘ The most useful websites’
  • Time management is an art and science and this Indian blogger knows to optimize even time.
  • He loves  music while at work,  unique character of this blogger. He likes  mostly Jagjit Singh bhajans and old Hindi songs. Amit said this  in an interview on Life hacker conducted  Mihir Patkar. In another interview at Writer in-charge Amit says  that  “to make money via blogging, learn SEO and start blogging”

Best of Amit Blogs

Indian Blogger

How Amit manages time all alone?

Time Management: If a blogger does not know or ignore time management techniques to do various tasks before and after a  blog post, the blog post is not seen on the first results page of search engine. The efforts on blog post will go waste. Time management techniques include

  • Gathering as many resources as possible and screening the best of them for the selected niche. Lack of resources will result in insufficient information to the visitor.
  • Work smarter not harder: Working longer hours will result in sweating but not in useful result. Working smarter is knowing exactly what to do and not to do. For example Internet is an amazing area where you are normally distracted from your main focus. Chat, emailing, music, movies are few area that diverts your  attention from main focus. Take care.
  • Time management is a 100 meters race but not a marathon. It is not a bad idea to fix a time-table for the day’s activity. It is not a bad idea to practice finishing the scheduled tasks keeping a stop watch on.
  • Most importantly time management is fixing priorities and sticking to finish them. Schedule shorter and realistic schedules and finish them on time.

This famous Indian blogger  qualities include  is  in-depth knowledge on the selected niche,  grouping ideas for the article, drafting, proof reading before publishing, required  prerequisites for a good blogger.  Publishing an article is just the first  task to a blogger.  Promoting and propagating the article through search engines, directories, social media and other resources is a vital task. Fixing bugs for speed loads of the article on the visitor’s browser, reducing bounce rates and optimizing blog post to Search Engines is yet another task.The real aim of the blogger is to offer ever green content to the visitor .  Ever green content is not  hype or trending content but  useful content to generations. Amit Aggarwal, the famous Indian blogger fulfills all the requirements and manages  all tasks in perfect coördination. More on time management at 10 tips to improve time management

Initial hiccups  Amit Aggarwal faced after starting blogging:

Amit Aggarwal admits in an interview that he too faced failures related to writing skulls, Indian English language differs from US and UK English,.Fear for failure. Amit said  that he used to copy content from blog posts to offer more info.  to his visitors and not to give importance to search engine optimization tips. But Amit realized early and improved from his pitfalls. I am still learning. 

To close Amit Aggarwal is undoubtedly is a well-known tech. blogger from India. He did not gain this special  status just by chance. There is hard effort, dedication, observation and planning in  Follow digital inspiration blog posts and get useful information and inspiration.

Happy Blogging. 

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