Complexities Of Internet Of Things (IoT) – Information Providers

What is the internet of things? How the internet of things evolved?

As a layman, I understand the Internet of things as less human intervention and more Internet activity. I understood the Internet of things as Internet connecting or automating’things’ like monitors (heart) for humans to ease humans tensions or inbuilt sensors for the smooth ride of a car without a human intervention. It is connecting man and machines together through an Internet bringing total globe under auto controls. – Information Providers 

complexities of Internet of Things

The evolution of the internet of things is traced back to a couple of decades. 

  • Russian Baron Schilling created an electromagnetic telegraph and it is the first Internet of things in the year 1832.
  • The invention of Unique code communicating 1200mm meter distance in Germany
  • Morse code message “What hath God wrought?” in 1844.
  • Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (Arpanet) was the first to implement the TCP/IP protocol
  • Domain naming system started in the year 1984 followed by world wide web in the year 1990 and started the commercial business
  • John Romkey invented the first IoT device, Sunbeam Deluxe Automatic Radiant Control Toaster to the Internet, becoming the hit of the 1990 Interop.
  • Tim Berners-Lee pm 1991 created the first web page

Kevin Ashton invented the term Internet of Things in the year 1999 and in 2008 the Internet of Things was born.


Internet of Things – Areas it covers

Any object that connects humans to the internet comes under the Internet of things.

  • Automation of homes to multi-storied buildings: Connect appliances in the house to sensors and control them remotely,  control lights in the house – lights will be on only when you pass through the area,  smart locks or sensor driven house locks to be operated through a mobile or any remote device, smart thermostat, wireless environmental sensors, Wireless lighting, Video doorbells for more security. 
  • Smart cities: Using communication technologies one can monitor Governments efficiency in terms of governance and citizens welfare in all areas within the municipality or city is referred to as the smart city. The smart city covers areas with problems to solve pollution, poverty, security, cost of living of the citizen.
  • Smart automobiles: Too complicated subject with a lot of traffic, human-driven, and robot-driven vehicles. To streamline traffic and manless driven cars require precision in locating traffic and routing the traffic for safe journey of owners. 
  • Wearables: These devices are picking up demand where the recollected data of the users are used to monitor health routines, fitness monitoring, and entertainment and  tracking 
  • Industrial enterprises: Jeff Immelt, CEO, GE Electric, defined  Internet of things also called as Industrial IOT as a “beautiful, desirable and investable” asset. He further said that “The driving philosophy behind IIoT is that smart machines are more accurate and consistent than humans in communicating through data. And, this data can help companies pick inefficiencies and problems sooner”.
  • Agriculture: Demand for IoT in the agricultural sector is fast growing. farmers are well trained and educated to use the latest tech. applications to get maximum yield and smart farming techniques. Some of the fields where farmers are benefited using internet of things is finding out moisture content in the soil with sensors, preventing of water wastage of water for plant growth and most important is controlling and administering fertilizer usage for a particular crop. 
  • Energy sector:  Energy sector is no exception from the Internet of things. IOT extended from household electric usage monitoring to solar usage. Power grids are interconnected with smart sensors to the level of individual house electric meters and continuously monitored to save wastage and improve utility. The thus saved electricity is well utilized for better applications. Power offshoots and breakdowns are controlled with IOT. 


Complexities of implementing IoT:

The most important complexity of implementation of the Internet of things is security and privacy. What happens if someone sneaks into your auto house lock code. chaos. What if someone knows you bank details. Unimaginable. The more and more flexibility of connecting devices on the internet, the more they are vulnerable to hacking. If your private data is accessible to the public, the consequences are disastrous. 

Scenario 1: 

Suppose a big steel factory implemented IOT in their manufacturing unit. A hacker got into their sensor details and managed to increase the temperature in the plant with bad intention and fire breaks out. What happens? 

Scenario 2:

You have given your house auto lock code to your friend when you were away from hometown. The app. you use for this app. on your smartphone has an unchecked bug and the code is tracked by an unauthorized person. What happens? 

Scenario 3: imagine you are filling a secured tax form through an app. The app. misbehaves and your personal data is stolen in the process.

What is the solution?

Three important solutions are suggested by IoT experts like Beardsley and Sparaponi.

  • Build a very strong security system within the IoT zone to prevent hacking and to identify hack attempts. This is possible with endless discussions with IoT vendors
  • See that IoT vendors offer continuous and routine updates to their software to deal with vulnerabilities.
  • Encrypt large data with the IoT area to prevent easy hacks. Do not allow open data transmission to make data more secure.

Lot more work and research is necessary for IoT security issues in the future.


To sum up the points on IoT 

  • Internet of things is connecting millions of devices through sensors and running them through software applications.
  • The real-time application is connecting devices at home through smartphones, connecting and monitoring automobiles through sensors, connecting doctors and patients remotely, monitoring health-related parameters on move, managing huge data and sharing data across the world through internet and IP address.
  • The major problems and treats with the Internet of Things application is the security and privacy of sensitive data. To prevent the big and sensitive data from hackers.
  • The solution is identifying a vendor who promises hacker free software or application, regular and periodic updates to the software to prevent hacking in advance. identifying the most reliable and supportive vendor to choose cost-effective and tailor-made software.