Seniors Fall – Fractures & Injuries May Lead to Disability
Seniors Fall &Fractures is normal but Consequences may be serious
Seniors fall while going to the bath rooms are even walking on smooth and polished flooring. Fractures are due to fall in bath rooms. Modern mosaic flooring. is the house is dangerous for old people . Mosaic flooring will be slippery and spill of water on that will be more dangerous. Senior citizens will have very weak bone structure and a small fall may end up in serious fracture leading to disability. A fall may fracture the hip, the back bone or spinal cord, thigh bone. These fractures are life threatening and incurable at old age. Ankle, leg bones, fore arm fractures may be less serious than hip and spinal cord fracture. In a survey in US in 1986, it was estimated that hip fractures had a medical expense of $3 billion.
Reasons why seniors fall and get injured
Elders may fall and broke their ribs any where, may be at home while going to bathe or while walking in the morning. They fall because of slippery floor, dim light, loose carpets, fragile and unstable furniture, poor vision. Some times seniors fear that they are becoming old and may fall. This fear complex may also lead to reality.
The following tips may prevent risk of seniors fall and injuries
Small exercises like moving hand and legs, small regular walk, meditation and yoga, healthy food habits, timely sleep, appropriate treatment and consultation with family physician like headache, giddiness, proper modification of bath rooms and flooring that suit elders in the house,removing obstacles in the moving places and maintaining sufficient lighting in the house and surrounding.
In western countries the government agencies are working hard to prevent senior citizen fall and the following websites gives information on seniors fall facts. Follow our articles on other senior health issues at seniors.
More reading on seniors fall and fracture is at all about seniors